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Showing posts from 2011

Why I Write

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." — C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves             As I work through my first big writing project, the question of why I'm writing comes to mind. It's one of those big questions that people tend to ask. It fits with the "Why am I here?" and "What's the purpose of life?" genre. As such, there's many weighty answers to be had. Some people write in order to prove that they existed. After they've died, their writing lives on, a permanent record that they affected the world in some small way. Others write in order to display some theme that has taken hold of their lives. Be it the viciousness of poverty or the wickedness of Latin verbs, these people write so their opinions can be taken on by others. And there are many other reasons for writing.        ...

Write What You Know?

            I've always been told to write what I know. Teachers, friends, books have always said "What topic have you studied? That should be what your writing focuses on."             Not to break with tradition, but I disagree. Completely.             Writing what you know is an acceptable formula for textbooks and nonfiction; in those areas, it is essential to know the material down to the minute detail. Otherwise, the entire work loses credibility. In fiction, however, this is simply not the case. To limit one's writing to what they know eliminates countless plotlines and innumerable stories.             Personally, I know very little about being a mother. I'm a male; I also have no children. Yet, " Dulce et Decorum " is one of my favorite pieces I've...


Welcome to my author's page! By day, I'm a lawyer and lieutenant in the U.S. Navy but write historical fiction, fantasy, literary fiction, and some non-fiction military history and law.  You can learn more about me here , find my published books here, and see my works in progress here. Drop me a line at . I'd love to hear your thoughts and get to know you. Warmly yours, Michael R. Seeley 2 April 2020