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Showing posts from May, 2014

I'm Back!

Dear Friends,    First, I really need to apologize. I've been neglecting the business end of the writing for months, and my website has been an under-construction disaster since September. For that, I'm sorry. I divide my working time between writing and law school, and I'm afraid the studies got the better of me.    But I'm back! Now that school is done for the summer, I've had a few days to tackle all those overdue projects. In particular, updating the website was a priority. I've reloaded everything, cleaned away excess old news, and remodeled. Go ahead and check out my Books , Works in Progress , and Author pages!    As for what's going on for the moment, I'll be living in Oak Harbor, WA for the summer to intern with the US Navy's JAG Corps. In my free time, I hope to finish writing The Gods' Punishment and get started on The Uprising , the explosive conclusion to The Uprising Trilogy . In the meantime, paperback versions of The Faith ...

Beating the Thriller

We all know that thrillers and modern romances are the biggest sellers. They dominate the markets, and it seems to be what all our friends are reading. But what if you're not into the newest spy-chase novel and the modern romance isn't your thing? For me, the draw of historical fiction has always been stronger than the idea of writing-for-profit in a genre that will probably sell better. But, that leaves historical fiction writers at a disadvantage. Or does it? What can we as authors of historical fiction do to balance the market for us? Write for the Public First off, you must try to use what's currently popular. What do you see in movies/other popular books/popular culture? For me, a military historian, a prime example of this is works on Rome and ancient Greece. The ancient world is hot right now. It's sexy. Films like Gladiator, 300, Alexander, Centurion, The Eagle , and many more capitalize on that. They may not be exactly factual (but neither, strictl...